Rodents play an important role in the trans
mission of zoonotic diseases. This study investigated the
prevalence of Leptospira spp. and Bartonella spp. in Mas
tomys natalensis and its ectoparasites (fleas and mites) in
selected villages of Morogoro, Tanzania. Mastomys nata
lensis were captured live in fallow habitats using Sherman®
obtained from the retroorbital sinus Ectoparasites were
removed from the fur using a hard brush and preserved in
70 %ethanol. Real time–qPCR was used to detect Leptospira
spp. and Bartonella spp. from Mastomys natalensis blood
and ectoparasites respectively. The study revealed a rela
tively larger number of males than females captures. Lep
tospira spp. was demonstrated in one out of 100 Mastomys